Monday, August 11, 2008

I wish I was a fish in the sea.

When went to Australia, I planned to do one dare devil stunt. That was to do sky diving. Both my parents refused to let me do it, thus refused to fund me for it. My compromise was if I can’t sky dive, I must do scuba dive (even this my parents refused but I managed to convince my mother).
To scuba dive was just a compromise, but once I have done my PADI open water dive I realized that this was my calling. My initial fears was, what will happen if I were to drown in the sea. The sea, which I was so much afraid of, changed my fear into my passion with its mesmerizing beauty.
If there was one Quote that I can describe about the sea is this “LIFE GOES ON! “. This is how the fishes live their life:
When a big thing (Shark, whale, any predator) comes by, the ones who can hide will hide, the ones who can swim will swim, the ones are meant to be hunted will get hunted, and when the predator is gone, the fishes will all come back and continue with what they were doing. This happens just seconds after the tragedy that happened a while ago. The sea recovers faster than anything, and “LIFE GOES ON!”
For a fish its playground is bigger than its imagination, because in its lifetime it will never swim finish the ocean. There is always something there to explore. Every day is special. Tomorrow or the day after it might die, but it lives its life happily with no regrets, no thoughts about the future. The sea provides everything, entertainment, food, sanitation and relationships.
As a fish you can choose to live a life in a big school of sardines, or a Rambo like the great white, or be a gang of desperados like the whales, a gang of fun friends like dolphins, fighting with sharks for fun and saving distressed human divers. Or you could choose to sit there like an oyster for years getting irritated all your life to produce a discharge called Perl which the female human specimen will crave for.
Whatever choice you make the sea has something for you. Too bad I am human, but I can’t resist the sea’s calling. This is my future plan
I will involve my life partner into diving, and when every possible we will explore the various seas in the world together. I am not interested in the 7 or the 8 wonders, just she and I in the sea floating weightlessly with no cares of tomorrow.(but with care for the amount of air left in my tank for the next minute!)

Wouldn’t it been easier if I god has put me in the fish basket and not the human basket?


Lena said...

sounds exciting! though i would be scared to death even trying.. the only time when i feel comfortable enough is standing on the ground with both feet

Vasanthan said...

Dont' worry Lena, i had the same fears when i first started diving.

once you realize that you can float underwater you will find it more relaxing then sleeping.

m.flowerr said...


Vasanthan said...

@m.flower: thanks for visiting

Arvind Gawade said...

Its a very fresh perspective to look at life, reminds me to live life to fullest in the present. I think its very true that today is all we've got. We don't know if tomorrow will ever come and yet most people (myself included at times) live their lives worrying about tomorrow or even worst putting their dreams to a later period thinking they've got more time but they forget that today is all they have.

Thanks for the brilliant post, Vasan it has inspired me to think deeply.

Vasanthan said...

i am proud that i have inspired you because, i now stand in the same floor as your other sources of inspirations, like Anthony Robbins, Robin Sharma, Adam Khoo and many others.

wanna take up diving ? u can be my dive buddy!

lemon said...

wow, must have been pretty exciting :)

Vasanthan said...

lemonade: yeah it was!

Cess said...

the way u wrote, i wish i can be a dolphin hanging around with others, I will definitively try to swim through all the seas to check the different places ;)

Gunjan Aylawadi said...

wow...i loved dat post of urs!

Vasanthan said...

@Cess: thanks for reading. i am glad i inspired you

Vasanthan said...

@gunj: the pleasures all mine writing. thanks for the very pleasing comment.