Monday, January 14, 2008

New year resolutions , and their progress

Although I have already been tagged earlier by Shalini on New Year resolutions. Pooranasi have tagged me again. And I would like to use this opportunity to define and describe the steps taken so far to achieve the goals.
1.) Get my six packs in my abdominals.
To get the toned abdominals I have to watch my diet and not too much calories. To reduce my calorie I have taken the first step
Diet  when I fill my drinks in subway I would fill half the cup with diet coke and the rest with normal cock. That is 50% less sugar!

click me for six pack abs

and also following the instructions in the link above.

2.) Go to India and make a significant difference in an orphan child’s life.
When I come to Chennai in May 2008 I would visit one of the orphanages. Seriously as long as there is one alive human there are no orphans, we should all work towards closing them down and encouraging adoption. The first thing I would ask my future wife is if she would approve adoption.

3.) Spend more time with my family.
My youngest brother will be taking is Cambridge O’ level examinations in 2008. I have planned to be his tuition teacher and a study mentor to him constantly keeping tabs on his progress.

4.) Get my driving license.
My cousin in India promised me that he will buy one for me!

5.) Save money -> it’s very complicated! I have the burning desire on using my money in a good restaurant. At least one month I would be eating in a posh restaurant.


my life.... said...

Buying a license in India? Thats interesting. I am glad that i have known someone whose idea is parallel to mine pertaining to adoption. I always wanted to adopt a child. Its better to light up a child's future with education rather than feeding him/her and off with one meal.

Shalini Gowrisankar said...

Glad to know your coming to Chennai , hope you have a wonderful time here :) How long are you around in Chennai?

Its also nice to know your working towards your resolutions and I'm literally touched when I read you want to adopt a child . Way to go!
I always wanted to do it , but I'm not earning yet . Will atleast sponsor a child's education once I start earning :)

Vasanthan said...

@my life:
i am not serious about the buying he license.
i am serious about adopting a child though. i have donated money a few times. last time during the Gujarat earth quake and then few days later i heard the news about how the food supplies train was robbed. Then i decided Money might not necessarily reach their intended purpose. I can.

Vasanthan said...

@Shalini: i am going to be in chennai for around 3-6 months

very pleased to know about you wanting to adopt a child. one should do it when they are married cos what the child needs is a complete family not just financial support.

if more Indians thought like you there will be no orphans.